8 things a highly sensitive child does not like

8 things a highly sensitive child does not like

By Joyce – One in five children is highly sensitive. Sometimes it is hard to “see” why they can be so angry or sad in a row. I tell you which things they really don’t like, so you can take them into account.

8 things a highly sensitive child does not like

A sudden change

Highly sensitive children like predictability. They really want to know where they stand so they can prepare for it. Suddenly going away confuses them and they find that very annoying. Do you suddenly have to leave or does grandma instead of dad take them to school? Then give your child time to get used to it.

It will be fine.


If I have learned anything from highly sensitive children, it is the fact that they find injustice very annoying. Does a student in the class get punished who didn’t deserve it? I’m sure high-sensitive child says something about this. They can’t stand injustice and they let you know it.

Especially when it comes to themselves. Sweets should be divided fairly.

Labels in clothing

I already find some labels annoying, but a highly sensitive child finds this terrible. They feel the labels all day long and it can be quite distracting to them. Taking the labels off clothes is a good idea.

That saves a lot of frustration.


Have your argument in front of the kids? Try to avoid this. Especially for the highly sensitive child.

These children are more sensitive to emotions and don’t want you to argue. They will do anything to make you happy again. And as you understand, that takes a lot of energy.

Test-taking and diploma swimming

Most children who are highly sensitive have fear of failure. Dread making tests. They can fail, so they prefer not to do it.

With tests you get graded. It can be right, but it can also be wrong. They can therefore become very stressed when they have to take a test. An anger or crying fit cannot be avoided. They also prefer not to do diploma swimming.

No matter how good they are at it. Reassuring them and looking at helpful thoughts can help them a lot. And give them time!

Making choices

I have noticed that highly sensitive children find it very difficult to choose. Especially if they have to do it quickly. All kinds of thoughts go through them and they weigh all the pros and cons. And the thought “am I making the right choice” is always in their heads. This also causes stress and you might have guessed it….. anger.

So try to help them by thinking with them and saying the pros and cons out loud.

“Unreal” people

In hindsight, I’ve seen my little son pick them out flawlessly. People pretending to be different than they are. He stands behind me and does not look at them.

Highly sensitive kids can’t stand people who aren’t “real”. It is confusing. Once I said there was nothing, but still I felt very sick.

My son picked up on that and got a little angry. So it is very important that you are honest and open with them.


A highly sensitive child will not enjoy walking through a busy city. Way too many incentives. And in a crowded classroom they don’t come into their own either.

Many children therefore also use headphones in order not to receive too much of these stimuli. Therefore avoid fuss. Or if you do have to go, prepare them!

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